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Vortech Superchargers @ The Spring Festival of LX 2019...

Vortech Superchargers @ The Spring Festival of LX 2019...

The 14th Annual Spring Festival of LX event took place in Pomona California, and it was certainly the place to be for anyone who is a fan of modern HEMI-Powered...
Vortech Superchargers @ Duck X Productions Sweet 16 2.0

Vortech Superchargers @ Duck X Productions Sweet 16 2.0

This past weekend one of the largest collections of high horsepower radial tire cars anywhere converged on South Georgia Motorsports Park for the Sweet 16 2.0 event. X275 and Radial Vs. the World Class cars pounded the pavement and thrilled the crowd all weekend. Here is a recap of just some of the Vortech Supercharged action that took place..
Vortech Superchargers @ The 25th Annual NMRA Spring Break Shootout...

Vortech Superchargers @ The 25th Annual NMRA Spring Break Shootout...

Where were you last weekend? Were you dodging a rainstorm, or digging yourself out of a snowbank, perhaps? Well, although weather across most of the country has been rather inclement...
Vortech V-30 131A Supercharger - Over 4,000 CFM Of Hardcore Boost...

Vortech V-30 131A Supercharger - Over 4,000 CFM Of Hardcore Boost...

The Vortech V-30 131A Supercharger is the latest evolution in efficient compressor design, and is a very capable piece of heavy boost artillery. With over 4,000 CFM on tap, and...
Complete Systems for 2018 5.0L Mustang GT Now Available & CARB Approved...

Complete Systems for 2018 5.0L Mustang GT Now Available & CARB Approved...

Vortech Superchargers continue their dominance of the Coyote market with the announcement of 50-State Emissions Legality on 2018 5.0L Mustang GT Complete Supercharging Systems. These exciting systems are available for...
Jon Reed Blasts Into The 7's With Vortech Supercharged Power...

Jon Reed Blasts Into The 7's With Vortech Supercharged Power...

Article Reposted from RacePages Digital: Written by Ainsley Jacobs   The only time a racer likes when his (or her) world record gets broken is when he (or she) is...
Happy Thanksgiving From Vortech Superchargers...

Happy Thanksgiving From Vortech Superchargers...

The team at Vortech Superchargers want to wish you and your family the warmest, happiest greetings this Holiday Season, and hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Brian Ellis
Vortech Supercharged Racing Action From SCSN 14 & Dirty South No Prep...

Vortech Supercharged Racing Action From SCSN 14 & Dirty South No Prep...

Here we are getting towards the holiday season, with snow on the ground in some parts of the country. With that in mind, you might think that the drag racing...
Vortech Leads The Supercharger Industry In CARB Compliance...

Vortech Leads The Supercharger Industry In CARB Compliance...

As the leader in Supercharger technology, Vortech Engineering has been at the forefront of safety and responsibility with the systems and products that we develop for over 25 years. From...
Brian Ellis
Vortech's New Heritage Series Superchargers - Modern Efficiency, Classic Sound...

Vortech's New Heritage Series Superchargers - Modern Efficiency, Classic Sound...

NEW PRODUCT RELEASE October 9th 2018 - Channel Islands, CA Vortech Heritage Series Superchargers Now Available                                                         Introducing the V-3 Heritage Series from Vortech Superchargers. Relive the sound of the...
Vortech Racing Highlights - Drift, Drag & More...

Vortech Racing Highlights - Drift, Drag & More...

  Vaughn Gitten, Jr. Drifts The Entire Nürburgring In His Vortech Supercharged Mustang Feast your eyes on Vaughn Gitten, Jr. throwing his Vortech V-7 JT-Trim Supercharged RTR Mustang around the...
Daniel Pachar & "Hired Help" Take Back-To-Back Vortech Supercharged Victories...

Daniel Pachar & "Hired Help" Take Back-To-Back Vortech Supercharged Victories...

Daniel Pachar & Triangle Speed Take Back-To-Back Wins With "Hired Help" Mustang at Outlaw Explosion and No Prep Kings Colorado Daniel Pachar and his Vortech V-30 123A Supercharged "Hired Help"...